ISHA Apprentice Masters Classes of NLS
Bioresonance training and classes worldwideSo you want to become a true Bioresonance Master in healing?To finally understand all principles?Learn and know more than “so-called spec..
ISHA Remote Quantum Meta Black Box DNA&RNA-Best Distance Healing Machine V3.0
ISHA Remote Quantum Meta Black Box DNA&RNA-Best Distance Healing Machine V3.0No limitations of distance. Do worldwide scans and treatments, as if that client from 3000 miles aw..
ISHA Rife power bugs zapper for Kill Virus
ISHA RIFE Adjustable POWER BUGS Zapper, powerfull killer of parasites and worms. The 1st most Powerfull DEEP killer of parasites, viruses, fungus, worms. Carry it all day or wh..